20 October 2015

Is this backwards?

As a member of the Satanic Temple, EV-250 and myself listen to a handful of atheist podcast. Now most of the podcasters on these podcast make fun of these different preppers, mostly from TV shows and ones that post to different religious websites, blogs, and forums. But is this backwards?

The theist has a god (mostly talking about God) and the atheist doesn't have a god. But a lot of the most out spoken preppers seem to be theist screaming "God, Guns, and Ammo". While a lot of the atheist seem to be very happy with "The government will save the day". The more I think about it the more this seem a little backwards. The theist should be saying "Don't worry God has it", while the atheist should be more like "We need to hold out till help arrives, no matter how long".  

Something that I have not heard a lot of preppers talk about is setting ground work in your community for during and after a disaster. I may come back to this topic later, but for now if anyone has ideas on why these views seen reversed please post a comment love to hear some ideas.

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