14 October 2015

The New Sexest Scale.

So EV-250 and I were talking about a conversation that I had with someone, when I went to Ohio Linux Fest, and it went something like this:
Me: Yeah, there was this girl that was the bartender at the bar we went to when I was in Korea. And she was a solid 10.
The Dude: Don't they use a different system of scales?
Me: Like what, Hexadecimal?
The Dude: I don't know.
Me: OK, she was a #F.
The Dude: Would that not be #FFFFFF.
This then lead to a long argument about HTML and Hexadecimal, that I will spare you. But I still stick with #0 to #F not #000000 to #FFFFFF for the above argument. We both agreed that if you walked up to a girl and said, "you are a total F," then you will most likely get slapped.

EV-250 thought both sides failed and at the same time was on to something. If you take the HTML format of #000000 but apply each placement as it's own value by following this break-down:

  1. Hair, #0 to #F
  2. Face, #0 to #F 
  3. Upper Body, #0 to #F
  4. Lower Body, #0 to #F
  5. Personality, #0 to #F, This can be left blank with #.
  6. Intelligence,#0 to #F, This can be left blank with #.
EV-250 feels this would be better brake down of a person using mostly visual, with 2 optional none visual values. So we decided to use this system on some silver screen victims.

Actress: Claudia Black
Character: Aeryn Sun
Score: #FAFF9C
Scorer: Joshua Marquis

Actress (voice): Ellen McLain
Character: GlaDOS
Score: #.FFFFE
Scorer: EV-250

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